face painting
It's Time to Start Your Adventure
Would you like someone to come into your home or place of business and interact with your children, and your friends and family?.
When hiring talent, most people want a talented pro.
We offer a unique blend of creativity, quality and speed painting faces.
Ms. WIGGY can produce designs for an entire face, a cheek, a hand, an arm or a leg. You can give directions to Ms. WIGGY on what face painting designs you prefer.
From Quick & Cool Eye to more elaborate designs Ms. WIGGY has you covered.
NOTE: Ms WIGGY only use the highest quality of FDA Compliant water activated face painting cosmetics.
They wash off with soap and water, and are safe for the skin.
Please make sure to get the right service.
1:00 hour Painting Time:
about 15 kids
about 15 kids
1,5 hour Painting Time:
about 22 kids
about 22 kids
2:00 hours Painting Time:
about 26 kids
about 26 kids